Privacy Policy

  1. Privacy politics regulates principles of electronic shop www.thechairs.lt (hereinafter referred as Shop, Seller) and person who visited shop (hereinafter referred as – Visitor) fundamental personal data storage, collection, administration, protection and order.

2. Privacy provisions encompass all and any Visitor actions, which he may be performing in the Shop: to get goods, read advertised information, responses, write comments and other type of information, and do other actions related to data presentation, reception and feedback.

3. Shop guarantees privacy and security of every Visitor’s personal data.

4. Visitor confirms and declares, that he gives the right to the Seller collect, store, systematize, use and administrate all and any personal data, which Visitor presents to the Seller while being at the Shop.

5. Visitor, intending to buy selected good, must supply this contact information to the Seller:

5.1 Name, surname.
5.2 Phone number.
5.3 Email address.
5.4 Receiving country, address, and city.
5.5 Post index

6. Shop declares to use Visitor’s data for these purposes:

6.1 Possibility to deliver Visitor’s goods to indicated address
6.2 Possibility to follow goods supply process, also to control and improve it.
6.3 Possibility to contact with the Visitor in case of obscurities or other unpredictable circumstances, for which it is necessary to contact the Visitor.

7. In all other cases, any Visitor data can be revealed to third persons only under the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

8. Visitor has the right to add and (or) change his connection data, when they are different than was before.

9. Shop supplied services can be used by:

9.1 All capable physical persons, not younger than 18 years old.
9.2 Infants from fifteen to eighteen years old (only having the agreement of parents, adoptive parents or foster-parents, except the cases when infant is independently disposing his own income or student grant).
9.3 Legal entities.
9.4 Representatives of all before indicated persons.

10. The Shop uses software and other means, which are operated to protect all Visitors connection data. Only shop’s authorized persons may reach Visitor’s connection data.

11. Visitor is responsible for confidentiality of primary connection data.

12. Visitor’s data is saved in the Shop till the Visitor in written form asks to delete his data, but not longer than 1 (one) year.

13. In case of Shop liquidation all collected Visitors’ data is irreversibly destroyed.

14. Visitor being a Shop member, unreservedly and without restrictions agrees with these privacy politics regulations. If Visitor does not agree with these privacy regulations, he is not allowed to use Shop and must instantly leave it.

15. The Shop implements protection of Visitors’ personal data under the law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania No. IX-1296.

16. Seller has the right at any time unilaterally change privacy regulations. These changes come into force after publication at the Shop. If Visitor still uses the Shop after the changes of privacy regulations, it is considered that he agrees with the changes.

17. Cookies:

17.1 Cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing. Cookie information allows us to provide more convenient and more functional use of our site.

17.2 Cookies are completely safe for your devices and personal information. Cookies prevent web pages from remembering any personal visitor information (such as visitor’s name, address, etc.).

17.3 Cookies can always be turned off, but then some features of the page may not work correctly. You can adjust or deactivate them in your browser settings.

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